Prescription Required
You must be a verified client of Axel F. Sondhof, DVM, or his associates to purchase prescription items from this site. At this time we do not accept prescriptions from other veterinarians.
Please see our policy on Prescription Items
Trimethoprim/sulfadiazine is well tolerated by foals.
Trimethoprim 67 mg/gram and sulfadiazine 333 mg/gram.
Palatable top-dressed broad-spectrum antibiotic for use in horses that is active against a wide spectrum of bacterial pathogens, both gram-negative and gram-positive, including Escherichia, Streptococcus, Proteus, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Shigella and Haemophilus.
Indicated where potent systemic antibacterial action is required against abscesses, wound infections, urogenital infections, strangles and respiratory tract infections.