Vetericyn-VF Plus (Veterinary Formula) Wound & Skin Care Spray, 16 oz

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Veterinary Formulation

Vetericyn-Plus VF is the veterinary formulation of the FDA-cleared Microcyn technology, a unique, shelf-stable, pH-neutral oxychlorine compound that delivers wound healing benefits, reduction of inflammation and cure or improvement of infection; all while remaining safe and biocompatible.

It contains 150 parts per million of Free Active Chlorine (FAC), nearly double the potency of the consumer formula of Vetericyn (at 80 parts per million of FAC).

This powerful non-toxic broad-spectrum topical antimicrobial works in tandem with an animal’s immune system to fight infection and speed healing time.

It kills bacteria (including staph and drug-resistant MRSA), viruses, fungi and spores without harming healthy tissue. Within seconds of application, blood flow increases and wound-healing nutrients are delivered to the site. Harmful pathogens are eradicated and accelerated healing begins.

For use in both companion pets and horses.

Does not test and is safe if ingested or licked.

16 oz