Equidone Oral Gel - Rx Item for clients only

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You must be a verified client of Axel F. Sondhof, DVM,  or his associates to purchase prescription items from this site. At this time we do not accept prescriptions from other veterinarians.

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Equidone (domperidone) Gel is indicated for the prevention of fescue toxicosis in periparturient mares. This disposable 25cc multi-dose syringe contains 2.75 g (110 mg/cc) of domperidone suspended in an oral gel and is to be administered at a dosage of 0.5mglb (1.1mg/kg) once daily starting 10 to 15 days prior to Expected Foaling Date (EFD).  This treatment may be continued for up to 5 days, after foaling, if mares are not producing adequate milk following foaling.

Single tube - 25 mL